One of the largest theatre projects, ever

3-2-2012 3-50-48 PM44 Plays for 44 Presidents is a play, first produced by The Neo-Futurists of Chicago in 2002.

The Plays for Presidents Festival inspired 44+ separate productions of 44 Plays for 44 Presidents across the country in the months leading up to the 2012 Presidential Election. The effort involved 1,600 theatre artists from professional, college, school and community theatres and reached audiences upwards of 21,000. In the process, we distributed more than 13,000 voter registration forms as a Rock The Vote partner.

As part of our focus to connect all the 2012 productions, we also unveiled an online composite video production of 44 Plays for 44 Presidents made up of contributions from all 44 productions. Check it out:

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